Those are the questions that need to be answer in a 3 pages long professional essay.
Requirements: 3 pages
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People have often given various reasons for becoming doctors or venturing into the medical field. The most common reasons that should be the primary reason for entering the medical field should be to ease pain and make people’s lives better. Doctors are considered second to God because of the number of lives that depend on them. During times of crisis, people often place their hopes on doctors to help make situations better. Moreover, medicine is a disciplined field where people are expected to hold high moral standards. I am someone who believes in religion and ethics. I uphold principles of kindness, empathy, trustworthiness, selflessness, courage, and the medical field would be a better profession to apply these virtues. Finally, I am looking for satisfaction and happiness in life. My religion has taught me that the best way to achieve satisfaction and happiness is through giving. I have devoted my life to giving children better lives by solving their health care problems. I intend to use my medical skill to create a better world where everyone can thrive and become better versions of themselves.