1.What ethical or legal parameters should the researchers have considered prior to distributing the trial drug at the health fair?
2. If you were on the translational research team, what steps would you have taken to maintain ethical and legal guidelines?
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The first step to maintain ethical and legal guidelines as a member of the translation research team would be to present the environment of the research to the Institution Review Board for approval. The evaluation would allow effective scrutiny on the participants` safety, rights, and privacy. This would avoid legal repercussions of using a health fair for the clinical trial. The second step would be to ensure the participants give their willingness to participate in the clinical trials. This would include collaborating with the local stakeholders and other critical decision-makers to derive ways to acquire informed consent of participants (Wand et al., 2019). In this step, I would ensure the research team conducts a fair selection of human participants who qualify for the scientific goal. The reason why this is vital is to avoid using participants who do not address the scientific goal of the drug. This would minimize risks in the community and the number of participants subjected to the trial. The third step would be to communicate the potential benefits and expected risks of the drug trial to the voluntary participants.