Health education
Read the following article at the end of the chapter on Protection Motivation Theory in your textbook:
Babazadeh, T., Nardrian, H., Nanayejeddi, M., & Rezapour, B. (2016). Determinants of skin cancer prevention behaviors among rural farmers in Iran: An application of protection motivation theory. Journal of Cancer Education, online.
Based on the information in the article answer the following questions:
1- Based on the PMT constructs of threat and coping appraisal, what suggestions would you make regarding the focus of interventions to reduce skin cancer prevalence?
2- In what ways, if any, were your threat and/or coping appraisal responses the same as those of the farmers? Do you think the suggested intervention foci would be effective?
Answer previewSkin cancer is one of the most preventable, treatable and curable in all types of cancers. It is mostly caused by exposure to the Ultra-violet radiations (Babazadeh, Nardrian, Nanayejeddi, & Rezapour, 2016). In the efforts of reducing skin cancer, I would prefer educating people to practice sun-protective behaviors. Sun protective behaviors include applying sunscreen cream, wearing sun protective clothing as well as avoiding the artificial sources of UV radiations. Sensitizing people on ways to embrace sun prevention behaviors would reduce cases of skin cancers considerably. Additionally, it will help people to understand the significance of applying screen and therefore eliminate perceptions they hold. Also, it is significant to educate the male farmers to wear sun protective clothing such as heavy clothing or a hut when working.
Threat appraisals that were almost similar to those provided by Babazade et al. (2016) included the farmers’ perception that holds that…
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