Your write-up should be 1 to 2 pages, single spaced, at standard type face (12 or 14 point).
It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case. These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court of a Federal District court.
What is much more important is the issue at law – the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
What was the majority of the court’s decision in the case, and – more importantly – what was the basicreasoning behind this decision?
If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
This week we also have one case writeup which I am going to send you over now. And please include your references in the response. You can cite certain external references as well to support your argument.
Please research the above historic financial scam that connects to our laws today, present your learning to your group, learn from group members’ posts, and have conversations with others. Each original discussion post should explain: (please include 2-3 external references)
I will send you over this week’s lectures as well.
I will send you the other two students’ post later once they post them. You can work on the case writeup and the original discussion post first 🙂
Answer preview
Eddie’s scams were against the securities act. Section seventeen of this law indicates that companies can be held liable for misinformation (Minks, 2017). That is, no company should officially announce false information. Also, the scams went against the rules of the securities exchange act that was developed one year after the securities act. This law prohibits the use of deceits during the sales of securities. Therefore, Eddie was wrong when he started to exaggerate profit to gain a larger price share. Besides, government agencies that deal with trade were alerted and started to think of a possible solution. As a result, the fair-trade act became effective to avoid Eddie’s cases in the future.