a master policy paper 15 to 20 pages about (American Jihadists) – font 12 Double spaced based on the outline attached
will be a 15 – 20 page, in-depth study of a homeland security policy challenge of your choosing that will require the application of the materials studied and presented in this course. The policy paper must include citations to at least 10 books or journal articles, including the course books and/or lectures, as appropriate. “Wikipedia” should not be amongst cited sources.
course books:
Louise Richardson, What Terrorists Want, Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat, (Random House, 2006)
the policy paper based on the outline – focus on the policy recommendation and need to be explained in a professional way how this policy will help and use the citations to make the policy strongly useful
2 articles could be used for citations
Answer preview
The US has had to come alive to the gravity of danger that terrorism poses to the nation in causing deaths, injuring people, and damaging property. Essentially, any act of violence that targets members of the public in areas where they tend to congregate in large numbers is considered terrorism (Krueger, 2017). Given how rampant terrorist acts have become in recent years, the US government had to respond by creating elaborate counterterrorism policies that incorporated lessons from the past to prevent these heinous acts from occurring and mitigate the harm they cause to the nation. Conventionally, most terrorist acts in the West have been