human sexuality

human sexuality

Understanding Human Sexuality Rubric

Below are the guidelines, and instructions. Please keep the following expectations in mind:

  1. Each paper is worth 100 points.
  2. Late papers will not be accepted. I will not accept papers via email.  They must be submitted in class on the due date.
  1. All written assignments must betyped and double-spaced with 12pt font. APA formatted.
  1. 4.You will be required to write a 5-8 page paper on a topic you choose from the list below.  Your paper needs to reflect college level writing and formatted in APA.  You are required to use a minimum of five scholarly sources for this assignment.  Your textbook can be used as one of your sources. A rubric will be provided for this writing assignment on Blackboard. The paper is due the day of the final exam, however, it can be submitted earlier if you choose to do so.  The paper topics are below:

Child Sexuality: The Impact of Sexual Abuse on Developing Sexuality

Sexual Assault/Sexual Violence

Religions and Sexuality

Cultures and Sexuality

Partner Preferences & Selection

Sex Education in America

Sex Work in America or other countries

Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors – Cultural comparisons

Reclaiming Sexual Desire

Sexual Identity in youth and /or old adults

Asexual behaviors

Medical Diagnosis and Sexuality (ex. Cancer and sexuality)

Mental health and Sexuality (ex. OCD and sexuality)


Polyamory and Open Relationships

Sexuality and spirituality

Sex and the media

Eating disorders and sexuality


Each of your assignments is worth 100 points and will generally be graded by the following criteria:

  1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material.
  2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your writing
  3. Adherence to the written instructions (APA formatted).
  4. Correct spelling and grammar.

100-90 points – A:

Exceptional work — You have not only met the expectations of the assignment, but your work would be difficult to improve upon. Compared to your classmates, you’ve demonstrated an exceptional understanding of key theories and the ability to apply them. You have followed all of the instructions and guidelines; written the ideas in your own words; cited any sources (including your textbook) you may have used; and have a negligible number of grammar/spelling errors.

89-80 points – B:

Good work – Compared to your classmates, you have demonstrated a good understanding of the theories and can apply it to your work. You have followed all of the instructions and guidelines; written the ideas in your own words; cited any sources you may have used (including your textbook), and have a minimal number of grammar/spelling errors.

79-70 points – C:

Meets basic expectations – Compared to your classmates, you have demonstrated learning and general understanding of the theories, but have missed some opportunities to apply key concepts. Wording is your own, and you have cited any sources that you have used (including your textbook). There may be some formatting and instructional errors, and/or there are several spelling/grammar errors.

69-60 points – D:

Needs Improvement – Compared to your classmates, your work is not complete and/or you have missed several opportunities to demonstrate your understanding of the theories and ability to apply key concepts. You neglected to follow two or more instructions or formatting guidelines. Spelling and grammatical errors are numerous and distracting. There are some errors in providing proper citations.


59-0 points – F

Your wording is not your own and you have neglected to provide proper citation and credit for your sources. You have neglected to address a number of points. It appears that you put in very little time or effort toward this assignment. You may have failed to turn your assignment in on time.

Answer Preview

Sexual assault or violence is the forcing of another person to have sexual activities, attempts to have sexual activities with another, sexual insults and the sex trafficking of the victims. There is no consent and there are circumstances that the proprietor uses drugs to subdue the victim (Bryant-Davis 2011).This has been a very common occurrence in the United States if…

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