Identifying self-Esteem and Morality

Assignment 2: Write a 2000 word essay that addresses the points below.

Write a 2000 word essay that addresses the points below. Be sure to explain each of these in ample detail and include multiple examples. Make sure to reference three (3) citations using the APA writing style for each article. Clearly mark the headings in your paper so the professor knows exactly which topics you are discussing. Include a cover page and a reference page, which do not count towards the minimal word amount.

Essay Questions:

1. Predict what kind of student problem may result if the teacher does not meet each of the seven teaching prerequisite behaviors.

2. Use each of the verbal intervention techniques presented in this module to help redirect the student to appropriate behavior in the following situations.

3. Develop logical consequences for each of the following misbehaviors:

  • Student interrupts while teacher is making announcements to the class.
  • Student steals a toy from another student’s backpack.
  • Student makes fun of a new student and gets others to laugh with him.
  • Student throws a pencil at another student.
  • Student runs out the gate and near the street.
  • Student physically bullies other students.
  • Graffiti is found on the restroom wall.

4. Write a scenario where a student is refusing to cooperate, demands your attention, and disrupts the class so much that it is almost impossible to continue teaching. Role-play in your own words the assertive delivery of “you have a choice.”


Answer preview

McGinnis (2012) emphasizes what works in the education context and why. The research done in the last few decades portrays that the classroom effective supersedes the school effect in explaining the student achievement variation in both the cognitive and affective outcomes (Walker Learning Center, 2016).  Studies also reveal that the quality teaching is the critical determinant in the classroom level. Various researchers have come up with different theoretical explanations of how the teaching factors are vital in the process of learning and the learning outcomes (Patrick, November 2013). Educational effectiveness is however enhanced through the instructional behavior of teachers. Instructional behaviors of a teacher include the ability of a teacher to control the class, students’ responses, punctuality, and so on. On the other hand, the behavior of the students contributes significantly to the educational outcomes….


(2500 words)

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