Integrity in Handling the Undead

What is integrity? Use Handling the Undead in your response.

Book : handling the undead by lindqvist john ajvide.

First sentence: Integrity is. . .
Second sentence: In other words. . .
Third sentence: An example from the novel is. . .
Fourth sentence: It is like:
Write a SEE-I, which stands for State, Exemplify, Example, and Illustrate. Your first sentence will be a statement, your second sentence a restatement using different words, your third an example from the text, and your fourth sentence an analogy, something you can draw a comparison to so your reader understands t

Answer preview
Integrity is the quality of a person having high moral principles and be honest in everything; both in actions, words and thoughts. In other words, integrity would mean that an individual would do the right thing at all times even when nobody is watching and even when it is least expected…
(170 words)
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