2. To encourage you to develop an identity as an interdisciplinarian.
What To Do
To complete this assignment you will write a short autobiography. It should be about 5 paragraphs long. It should be written in proper academic language with careful attention to writing mechanics. Each paragraph should be fully developed with proper structure: a topic sentence, body sentences, and a concluding sentence.
Here’s is a basic formula of what the autobiography needs to include:
1. A good definition of Interdisciplinary Studies. For this, you MUST refer explicitly to Chapter 3 of your text and to this article here: https://www.progressiveconnexions.net/2017/the-interdisciplinary-life/ (Links to an external site.). Use proper APA or MLA formatting for in-text citations and references. This chapter refers to 2 types of interdisciplinarity (critical and instrumental). Your definition must clearly explain each.
3. A creative description of yourself as a creative person. Remember the previous assignment where I provided a list of the ways you are a creative entity that you probably never considered before?
4. An explanation of how you chose IDS. What has your academic/intellectual journey been thus far?
5. What you hope to accomplish with this degree and how the IDS creative mindset can benefit you going forward.
A copy of my own Intellectual Autobiography (this was supposed to be linked in the Obojobo Module but it either went to Dr. Woodill’s IA, which is also a good example! or didn’t work).
Requirements: 5 paragraphs
Answer preview
I am quite grateful that I opted for interdisciplinary studies, considering my academic journey has been both interesting and informative thus far. Interdisciplinary studies appealed to me largely because it would expand my knowledge, skills, and competency by exposing me to different lines of thinking and approaches. Furthermore, IDS will also increase my chances of success in the contemporary workplace, which is characterized by a heightened level of collaboration and interdependency. At the workplace, employees are expected to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue. My interaction with the instructor and research materials has so far prepared me for this by helping enhance my interdisciplinary competency.