Intertextual and multimedia practice.

  1. From either “The Fairy Tale Web: Intertextual & Multimedial Practices…” (468) or “Peasants Tell Tales…” (363) discuss a concept brought up in either essay as it relates to how we interpret fairy tales. Consider context & our own biases. What should we keep in mind as we interpret a story?

im international student , please be simple (don’t use hard vocabularies. use simple vocabs)

use the book as the one and only source please

book name : The Classic Fairy Tales, edited by Maria Tatar (Norton) **Second Edition**

The Classic Fairy Tales edited by Maria Tatar Norton Second Edition

it’s a literature class

Answer preview

Interpreting a story is essential as it enables the audience to comprehend and internalize the message which is being addressed by the fairy tale. However, there are important things to keep in mind as the reader interpret a story, and the first one includes the writing styles used by the author. Most of the authors incorporate different writing styles such as the use of symbolism or irony to make the story interesting. For the reader to comprehend correctly while interpreting the story, it is mandatory to master the writing styles incorporated by the reader for accurate interpretation (Bacchilega, 2013) Identify the subject of the story is also another thing which an individual must keep in a while interpreting a story. Analysis of a story can be challenging if the subject of the text is not identified since the subject enables to get the plot of the story as well as the primary concerns being addressed by the author of the story before digging dipper.

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