Job Description

Job Description Exercise

Create a Job Description for a position that you hope to be able to attain after completion of your degree (HR Management). At a minimum, the job description should include the sections of

Heading 1.) Position Description;

Heading 2.) Duties and Responsibilities; and,

Heading 3.) Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities.

Directions: Share the job description in this discussion area using the 3 headings listed above.

Cite at least two scholarly sources, be sure to list both references as well cite from each one a minimum of one time each in your written narrative.

You will use this assignment for

Week 2 Discussion #2

Week 3 Discussion #1

Week 3 Exercise

Week 3 Written Assignment

Answer preview

After completing the human resource (HR) management degree, the HR manager is the projected professional position to look out for. As Weathington and Weathington (2020) illustrate, the manager oversees the company’s hiring processes, including recruiting, interviewing, and hiring competent employees. Further, the manager improves employee motivation and performance by building strategic compensation and training programs (Ghalamkari et al., 2015). Based on the manager’s understanding of the company’s values, vision, and mission, they collaborate with the top management in creating policies and codes of ethics to have a healthy working environment.


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