Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

English100 Analyzing Stories

Write an essay analyzing one or more aspects of Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”.The goal is to convince readers that your interpretation adds to the conversation about this story among members in this class.Back up your analysis with reasons and support (examples and textual evidence) from the story.

I do have outline for this essay.


● 3-4 pages, double-spaced

● MLA format/Works Cited

● A clear thesis statement Note:Be cautious not to summarize the story or to assert an

obvious fact about the story.

● 2-3 reasons for the thesis statement

● Textual evidence and examples from the story for support Note:When pulling material from

the story to use as evidence, parenthetical citations should look like this: (par. 12).

● Excellent source integration (“Using Sources to Support Your Ideas,” pp. 542-553).It’s important to

know how to use ellipsis marks and brackets correctly when writing an Analyzing Stories essay.

● Stellar paragraphing, “to group related ideas and details” (see Chapter 13:Cueing the

Reader/Paragraphing pp. 456-469).

● Very few proofreading errors

I do have outline for this essay.

my outline to you

I. Thesis: Sum up all the related arguments of your story interpretation.

A. First argument/assertion/interpretation

1. textual evidence (par. ?) [Note: No parenthetical needed for Kincaid]

2. textual evidence (par. ?)

B. Second argument/assertion/interpretation

1. textual evidence (par.?)

2. textual evidence (par.?)

C. Third argument/assertion/interpretation

1. textual evidence (par.?)

2. textual evidence (par.?)

Thesis: Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” argues that an individual discovers their self-identity only after being free from confinement. The story also argues that freedom is a very powerful force that affects mental or emotional state of a person, and many freedoms that women desired were denied to them because of the repressive nature of marriage and more broadly, society.

  • “Free, free, free” (part.11). “Her pulses beat fast” (part.11)
  • “She would live for herself” (part14)

1.” Physical exhaustion that hunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul” (part 4)

2.’’ A sob came up into her throat and shook her”

C. She experiences at the secret of joy

1. “Free! Body and soul free” (part16)

2. “She was so shocked” (paert19)

I got this cooment from my professor.?

Before beginning to write the essay, I suggest rewriting the outline as a sort of plan. Do you mean to focus on these three main ideas: (1) the husband’s death brings out a desire for self-assertion (2) freedom affects a person mentally (3) freedom affects a person physically. Lastly, how do these three assertions work together toward an overall thesis (or do they satisfy the thesis you include in your outline)?

Answer preview

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour argues that an individual discovers his/her self-identity only after being free from confinement. Death, in this context, creates an ironic reality of oppression and the undying will of liberty. Hence, freedom is a potent force that affects the mental and emotional state of a person. Based on the patriarchal attitudes among men, women like Mrs. Mallard, the main character, did not get the freedom they desired because of the…

(900 words)

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