Kingdom Life

Kingdom Life

1. From the lecture, discuss the different forms of birth control. What does Scripture say about abortion (since when was this practiced)? What do Christians think about this ancient practice?

2. From the lectures and readings, discuss how adultery and domestic violence are contrary to the will of God. When is it permissible to divorce and remarry? Are relational difficulties (e.g., constant fighting) a good reason to separate? Why or why not?

Answer preview

It is not easy to understand where to begin in the creation of life. Abortion, and contraception, and the fundamental question of when cells become a living being overlap historically, and practically leaving people wondering what is biblically right and wrong, especially when controlling life creation (Guendelman et al., 2020).  As much as abortion is legalized in American, American culture does not accept abortion. In many cultures, the Scripture is viewed as the answer to abortion and contraceptives. However, abortion and contraceptive practices were practiced by members of primitive societies only to be documented in the ancient texts.


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