Kotter change Model

Kotter change Model

Write a draft of the introduction to your system analysis and how Stage 1 and 2(1. Creating sense of urgency and 2. Form a powerful guiding coalition) of Kotter’s Change Model apply to your topic (use of cognitive training to improve the care of dementia patients in skilled nursing facility).

Elements to address include:

  1. Brief description of the proposed change.
  2. Stage 1: Why is the status quo unacceptable?
    1. What feedback have you received from your patients and other internal/external constituents that leads you to make the proposed change?
  3. Stage 2: Who are members of your guiding coalition? (DON, Nursing Managers, Medical Directors) , Why did you choose them?
    1. Describe the members of your guiding coalition in terms of:
      1. Position Power
      2. Expertise
      3. Credibility
      4. Leadership (Note: 2.5 points for each of the characteristics
    2. Describe the trust, mutual understanding, respect, and caring within the guiding coalition. (Note: 2.5 points for each of the factors)
    3. What is the common goal within the guiding coalition regarding the proposed change?
    4. Support your writing using 6 APA references.
    5. See template areas on how to write your introduction.

Requirements: 3pages


Answer preview

According to Bahar-Fuchs et al. (2019), dementia causes cognitive impairment, compromising the patients’ functional independence. The suggested solution to the dementia problem is implementing cognitive training, an effective treatment for the patients’ cognitive impairment burden to improve their memory, thinking, and attention-taking. Implementing the cognitive training would require strategic collaboration with the patients and healthcare workers in the skilled nursing facility while integrating Kotter’s change model in the proposed solution to achieve successful outcomes.

1095 words

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