In the assignment description below, which can be downloaded, you will find 4 scenarios that depict realistic problems that you might encounter in the workplace. Choose one of these scenarios, and produce the requested documents for that scenario only. Each scenario asks you to prepare three documents to three different people. You are responsible for determining the appropriate genre (email, memo, business letter, etc.) for these documents as well as their contents.
As a measure against the recurrence of such incidences, the department has a pre-existing checklist that helps technicians review the full performance of any machine they repair. I encourage you to make use of this essential tool to avoid any rookie mistakes in the future. Ensure that all the boxes are ticked before you hand over any machine back to the client or their staff. In case you don’t understand some of the checklist elements, then I advise that you seek guidance from more experienced technicians who can provide the much-needed advice.
More importantly, I suggest you take advantage of the mentorship opportunities in your department. There are many experienced technicians you can work with to perfect your skills. Through their guidance, you can avoid repeating the same mistakes they made when they were rookies and improve your expertise. If you need any support that your colleagues cannot offer, please feel free to reach out to supervisors, including me, to resolve the challenges. I am glad you are part of the technical team and look forward to continuing to work together.