

You practiced writing and critiquing a persuasive memo prior to this Assignment. Requests for funding for either a new venture or initiative are a common business occurrence and demand careful organization to present a persuasive, thoughtful request. For this Assignment, prepare a 350–500 word persuasive memo to your supervisor requesting that your company sponsor you individually in a business writing course that is available at the local university.

If you are not currently working, you may create a fictitious company, supervisor, and position for yourself. In your memo, provide your supervisor with the following:


  • Justify taking this course; include an outline of the benefits the company will receive from your participation in such an effort.
  • Include the amount of money you are seeking,
  • Specify how long the course will take you to complete, and how your time spent completing the course will impact your performance at work.
  • Further guidelines for writing the persuasive memo are posted in Doc Sharing, labeled “Unit 1 Memo Template.”

This Funding Memo is due by the end of Unit 1. Complete the funding memo as an MS Word document. Save it in a location with a title you will remember and that includes your name. To submit, go to the Dropbox and click on the Unit 1: Funding Memo link and follow the instructions. Make sure that you save a copy of the paper you submit.

Funding Memo Grading Criteria:

Grading Criteria



Includes no fewer than 350 and no more than 500 words, inclusive of memo fields


Requests funding for sponsorship for you to complete a business writing course



logical organization and flow moving from one point to the next


Contains no grammatical or typographical errors


Follows correct memo format– to, from, date, subject, single spaced, double space b/n



Identifies benefits to your company for you to complete a business writing course



Business Communications

Includes cost, location of course, length of course, and how you will balance the class

obligations with your work responsibilities




Memo Template (1)

Answer Preview

Great business writing skills are key for the development of any company and especially in coming up with business proposals, pitching, and presentation of reports, which increase the business opportunities and attract investors…

(375 Words)

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