Mergers and Acquisition Activities

Mergers and Acquisition Activities

Papers are due at the start of the class period 10-19-16. The following is the topic

  • Mergers and acquisition activities have been negatively impacted by stronger anti-trust concerns over the last eight years, as well as a low-growth economic environment.

Selection of your topic number is to be emailed to Bob Ellis at no later than October 7, 2016.

Papers are to be 7 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) pages long before graphics and exhibits. They are to be typed, single-sided, double-spaced with 12pt font (Arial or Times Roman), with a cover page that includes the paper’s title, your name, the class & section, the semester and the date written. They are to be complete enough to cover the topic, but not less than 7 (seven) complete pages of text before graphics and bibliography. They should contain a hypothesis, proof of the hypothesis, and a conclusion.

The topic is to be researched and footnoted where applicable. Footnotes are to include the source, date, article/book name and author. Acceptable research material does not include the textbook or Wikipedia (or similar open access sites). Research must include at least 3 sources, including at least 1 book from the library, or from a peer-reviewed journal, properly cited.

Papers are intended to display the student’s grasp of a single business finance topic in terms of analysis and writing ability. The audience is assumed to be your immediate supervisor in the work space.

1. Organization 20%

2. Analysis 60%

3. Conclusion 20%

Total 100%

ORGANIZATION, SPELLING & GRAMMARExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationBelow Expectation
Out of 2015-2010-140-9
ANALYSIS (Opinion will be discounted unless supported with strong evidence)Exceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationBelow Expectation
Out of 6050-6035-490-34
CONCLUSION, USE OF GRAPHICS & APPENDICESExceeding ExpectationMeeting ExpectationBelow Expectation
Out of 2015-2010-140-9

Style for Writing Papers

Papers should have the following structure:

1.Introduction and objective(s) of the paper.

2.Methodology and scope of the paper if appropriate.

3.Main text of the study organized in appropriate sections and subsections.

4.Summary and conclusion (and “future outlook” if appropriate)

5.Appendix, if applicable, to include detailed information, tables, figures, graphs, etc.

6. Bibliography

The paper should be thoroughly proofread.  Spelling errors will be considered as demerits. Use of numerical reasoning, including charts, graphs and tables which explain your thinking, will increase your grade.

Best paper practices include having your paper read and reviewed by a classmate before submission.

Answer Preview

With the evolving economic trends and industrialization that is taking a different phase in the economies we operate in, mergers and acquisitions are becoming the order of the day. This trend has had its share of advantages in the economy as it has led to expansion and growth of different companies. This has however come with its share of challenges as these mergers and…

(2298 Words)

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