Mountain environments.

Mountain people are among the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged. Living far from the centres of commerce and power, they have little influence over the policies and decisions that influence their lives and contribute to the deterioration of their mountain homelands. With the exception of a few regions, such as the European Alps where mountain communities are politically represented in national governments, the voices of mountain people generally go unheard. As a result, many mountain people live on the economic fringe as subsistence farmers and herders, traders and day labourers, with no authority over those who exploit their mountain homes.”


The passage above is taken from a site linked to my favorite web site on mountain peoples, Mountain Partnership — a voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to improving the lives of mountain people and protecting mountain environments around the world, launched at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002. Dig deeply into this site; you will find plenty of useful information. Eventually you should find a link to Mountain Voices (here it is in case you couldn’t find it). The purpose of this Discussion Assignment is to engage you in this page, to give you an opportunity to learn about the mountain peoples of one country, and to share that information with your group members.

Your Task

Please do the following:

  1. Spend time digging into the Mountain Voices Website; be familiar with the material thereon, including the testimonies at the bottom of each country page. Pick one of the countries to focus on.
  2. For your chosen country, read the webpage thoroughly, including as many of the testimonies as you have time for.
  3. In an informal essay of no less than 350 words (and, please, no more than 500 words), summarize what you learned – comment and reflect. In other words, good content and some personal reflections on what you learned.

Answer preview

Mountain people are optimistic for a change. Tiltepecs, for example, excitedly waited for the completion of the connecting road. Accessible roads boost the delivery of health facilities and commerce. Some mountain people got civilized and relocated to the better areas where they did plantation improving the community’s health (Pickering, 2011). Improved nutrition ensure kids are healthy and can survive and fight many diseases associated with diet. Tiltepec community also had organized festivals as an identity of their tradition. Participation in the community festival ceremonies makes the individual have respect and uniqueness for the culture. Festivals unite individuals and make them feel they belong to a specific powerful group.

Community ancestors grew cotton and used them to make clothes; a knowledge passed from generation to the next. This idea improves the creativity of the community and motivates their ability (Pickering, 2011). The society believes and learns from the experience and wisdom

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