NURSE Corps Scholarship

 NURSE Corps Scholarship

3 scholarship essays (approximately ½ page), one page per essay

Each response should be limited to 5,000 0.5 pages per essay. We recommend that you use a standard word processing tool (e.g., Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) to respond to the questions. The applicant must provide the first initial and last name and their Application ID number at the top of each document.

HIV among African Americans between ages 25 to 44


How will you contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities?What experiences have you had that have prepared you to work with underserved populations? For example: community service, internships, and federally funded health programs; or work in rural, frontier or tribal settings.Please discuss your commitment to pursue a career in nursing.Each response should be limited to 5,000 characters or less (approximately ½ page), one page per essay. We recommend that you use a standard word processing tool (e.g., Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) to respond to the questions. The applicant must provide the first initial and last name and their Application ID number at the top of each document.

Personal Information to be used in this assignment.

My first name is ALI  ID is: 387341

I need this scholarship please help me to respond to this assignment in 3 ways. This scholarship is given only if i agree to work at underprivileged pretty much these three essays have to prove i can do it and i have helped people in situations like these.

I used to volunteer in my country at HIV /aids orphanages in Africa. I really i want to put a smile on someones face who thinks that the world has come to an end. My main reason to pursue nursing is i want to help people get better and also give hope to those with thought family support system i want to provide care to everyone rich or poor in the same way.i want to treat every sick person equal weather they have insurance or not.


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