Nursing Question

Nursing Question

What population do you believe they serve?

What do you believe is the most pressing need for this population?

With this information create a Health Promotion Project that you believe meets the needs of the community partner based on the criteria below:

Project Requirements:

  • This project can be in the form of a flier or brochure that educates the community you served on an important public health issue.
  • Any flier, brochure or handout must contain factual, accurate information.
  • Fliers, brochures and handouts must be free of spelling errors, be creative, colorful and in a PDF format, so that it can easily be printed or shared electronically.
  • Include the logo or the partner name in the project (logo on printable materials, mention the partner in recorded materials)
  • The name of the file MUST be saved in the following format:
    • (ex: CAC.HandWashingVideo.Smith)

Requirements: 4 pages


Answer preview

The Community Action Council (CAC) Howard County Food Bank serves the indigent and the homeless. It provides food assistance to low-income and underprivileged members of Howard County, particularly the homeless. The covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the food insecurity problem in Howard County as in the rest of the world. Whereas over twenty-three thousand people were considered food insecure before the pandemic, the economic crisis, and job loss because of the pandemic pushed increased food insecurity by 12.2% (Danley-Greiner, 2020). This has created a huge challenge for the food bank since the numbers are rising, and people who formerly donated to the food bank are seeking assistance. Another challenge is the quality of food found at the food bank. They are often stocked with canned vegetables, meat, fish, beans, tomatoes, and soup in addition to cereal, pasta, and rice. While these foods are more than adequate for sustenance, they are low on nutrition, and their processing can lead to diet-related illnesses like obesity, heart diseases,

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