When completing the critique assignment, note that you’re critiquing with comments based on the logical steps of the research process. Critique process for quantitative studies include: Phase 1—Comprehension, Phase 2—Comparison, Phase 3—Analysis, Phase 4—Evaluation. Comprehension: Read the article carefully and highlight each step of the research process within the article. Comparison and analysis: With the knowledge of each step of the research process examine and compare the extent to which the researcher followed the rules for an ideal study by examining parts of the study for accuracy, completeness, and organization, then analyze the logical links among the steps of the study. Evaluation: Involves determining the meaning and significance of the study by examining the links among the study process, study findings, and previous studies.
As noted in the critic process of one of the Jones and Bartlett publisher’s textbook, in the same way, another general rule includes:
f. Consider the applicability of the research results to practice.
Answer preview
The literature review of the phenomenon under study was also done where even a recommendation on strategies to integrate palliative care into the healthcare system by the WHO is mentioned. Studies indicate inadequacies in preparation of healthcare professionals in palliative care. The methods and materials used have been identified where the study was a quantitative cross-sectional survey. The setting was a multispecialty hospital, and the study population was nurses. The sample size was 363 nurses. Self-reported questionnaires developed using PCKT were utilized. Data was analyzed by comparison of variables using ANOVA and correlations were done using Karl Pearson’s coefficient with the use of SPSS version 16.0.