Organizational Values and Conflict Management

Organizational Values and Conflict Management

Organization values have a significant impact on conflict management


The principles or values of an organization have a significant impact on communication, collaborations, and conflict management. These items are particularly crucial when an organization is going through change. Change can create a feeling of uncertainty among employees and among teams.

In a minimum 2-page paper, discuss the influence of organizational principles on communication, facilitation, collaborative planning, and decision-making. Elaborate on the following:

  • Explain how organizations can deal with conflict.
  • Describe your approach to conflict and how you would go about resolving conflict as a leader.
  • What are some conflict management strategies? Which conflict management strategies would you incorporate and why?
  • What strategies would you use to create a positive environment if you were leading a department?
  • Include an APA formatted title and reference page to document your sources, In text citing included.
  • Use attached material as reference and the article included

Answer preview

Organizational values refer to abstract ideas that guide corporate actions and thinking. They form a foundation upon which an organization is built and operates. These values form an integral component of conflict management as they define the specific approaches that an organization follows in an address to conflict. Conflict management strategies in an organization are meant to offer a suitable environment guided by values and in which conflicts are addressed and appropriate operation mechanisms established…


(650 words)

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