
The Story of Stuff


The Story of Stuff  Discussion Consumption After watching “The Story of Stuff”, the World on Fire video, and reading the chapter/module, how important is making money to you? […]

Beethoven; Art and Protest in the 1800’s


Beethoven; Art and Protest in the 1800’s Discussion 1. Select one (1) example of a literary work or a work of visual art from the 1800s—either Romantic or Realist in […]

what business communication will look like in 10 years as the relationship era matures


 what business communication will look like in 10 years as the relationship era matures One page – easy task Prepare a one page memo on what business communication will look like in 10 […]

A Modest Proposal


A Modest Proposal Reading selection of Swift’s A Modest Proposal. It is essential to recognize the genre of this work, which you should consult and cite. Swift promotes a radical […]

LensCrafters Case Study


LensCrafters Case Study Can someone do a business 430 assignment? Assignment 1: LensCrafters Case Study This assignment requires student complete an analysis of the LensCrafters case from Chapter 6 of […]

Arguing about the truth of disruption


Arguing about the truth of disruption Please do your best Can you read this article and do the requirements? This is the article link… 1- write two pages A- the […]

Edward Hopper Art Analysis


Edward Hopper Art Analysis Please respond to the following discussion topics and submit them to thediscussion forum as a single post. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.Then, […]

write report about the artical


write report about the artical  Write Two pages hello I need someone to help me write report about the artical include opinion and what is going on I have attached […]

Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment  sociology homework the directions are in file on what to write on, its only couple of questions with short answers require Answer Preview Parents tend to be confused […]

write a proposal for some form of social advocacy that will seek to change a social, organizational, or legislative policy


 write a proposal for some form of social advocacy that will seek to change a social, organizational, or legislative policy Social Policy In this Assignment, you write a proposal for […]

The Economic Effects on Small Buisnesses’ in the US Virgin Islands post Hurricanes Irma and Maria


The Economic Effects on Small Buisnesses’ in the US Virgin Islands post Hurricanes Irma and Maria Create a well organize 5 page research paper on The Economic Effects on Small […]

Create a business plan for an All Inclusive Event Planning and Rental Company


Create a business plan for an All Inclusive Event Planning and Rental Company All Inclusive Event Planning and Rental Business Plan Create a business plan for an All Inclusive Event […]

the Method section of a research paper


 the Method section of a research paper he instructions for this task is in the first document. also, i posted the template for the assignment, you can use that template […]

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Conceptual Model Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services. Retrieved from An initiative is a project, an event, […]

Effects of Social Media


Effects of Social Media  1-2 page paper Write about a page in half on topic statement and provide at least 15 sources. It was base off the topic provided in […]

Physical security


Physical security  discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics? It should be 300 words minimum Beware of plagiarism APA formate Answer Preview many organizations, access control is of great importance […]



mythology please answer in 5 sentences minimum. 🙂 Q1: In the Franco-Dahomean War in the 1800s, many French soldiers hesitated before attacking the Dahomey Amazons, which led to the death […]

Ocean Topics Critical Thinking


Ocean Topics Critical Thinking ● Times New Roman 12 point font ● Name and Student # MUST be on each part of the assignment ● No bibliography needed, 20180131224606the_oceans Answer Preview […]

Create PowerPoint Presentation about Societe Generale Corporation


 Create PowerPoint Presentation about Societe Generale Corporation Create PowerPoint Presentation about Societe Generale Corporation, around 15 – 20 min PP presentation This assignment is about how to do things right. […]

Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing Please understand the requirements Can you read this article and do the requirements? This is the article link… 1- write two pages A- the first page is summarized […]

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