Part 2-Final Project

Part 2-FinalProject

For Section 2 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 2 headings should include:

Also must include:

1.Identify at least three areas of knowledge, skills, and experience that you might require for individual members of the board and explain why these areas may be important for the organization and the board’s operations.

2. Include a specific plan for the recruitment, orientation, ongoing training, and retention of board members.

3. Explain the relationship of the board and the executive director and outline a process that the board should use for the recruitment, selection, oversight, and succession planning for the executive director.

The draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of non-profit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley

Chapter 6 Building a board pp 99-126

See attached

BoardSource, (2011). Nonprofit Board answer book: A practical guide for board members and Chief executives (3rd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Part 3: Board Member Selection and Development (pp.84-113)

BoardSource. (2016). Board orientation. Retrieved from…

BoardSource. (2018). Board composition and recruitment. Retrieved from…

Carlson, M., & Donohoe, M. (2010) Executive Director’s guide to thriving as a nonprofit leader (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 11, “Nurturing a Relationship with the Board” (pp. 139–160)
  • Chapter 12, “Developing Relationships with Individual Board Members” (pp. 161–172)
    • Part 3, “Board Member Selection and Development” (pp. 84–113)

Tedx 2014-

Requirements: 4-5 pages


attaching pages from book

The non-profit is still The Harford Center

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Harford Center. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

I have attached a previous work too


Answer preview

Non-profits, like most other entities, require qualified and competent organizational leaders to succeed. This aspect means that non-profits should endeavor to locate, hire, develop, and retain qualified and competent board members (BoardSource, 2010). Failure to do this will significantly impair a non-profit’s ability to deliver on its mission, vision, goals, and objectives (BoardSource, 2010). The Harford Center is a non-profit organization in the United States that provides support and services to adults with disabilities. The organization was founded in 1961 and focuses on providing the best care to disabled adults while respecting their choices,

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