Personal information and data

One of the ways in which usability professionals collect data, and for that matter academic professionals, is the use of a survey instrument. In this assignment, you’ll create a paper-based survey instrument evaluating a mobile application or Website. In the assignment, you are expected to include:

Leverage the literature and textbook examples in your instrument creation. This survey is a PAPER PROTOTYPE not to be completed using a survey instrument such as Survey Monkey.

Requirements: 4 pages

Answer preview

  • Did you find the website’s customer support options easily accessible and helpful?

Not easily accessible or helpful

Somewhat accessible or helpful


Fairly accessible or helpful

Very accessible or helpful

  • How well did the website handle your privacy and security concerns?

Very poorly




Very well


Measurable quantitative questions using a Likert scale to support measurement

(Participants are urged to select the number that represents their level of agreement in each statement or question provided. 1 will represent will be the lowest level, and 5 will represent the highest level of agreement).

  1. Please rate the level of getting the needed information on the website.

1: Very difficult

2: Difficult

3: Neutral

4: Easy

5: Very easy

  1. How well can you rate the general level of responsiveness of the website? (Responsiveness can be defined as how quickly the website reacts to user actions)

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Personal information and data
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