PPT biophysical health management of adolescents and young adults 11-18 y/o

PPT biophysical health management of adolescents and young adults 11-18 y/o

i need a ppp on the development and growth of pediatric patients for adolescents and young adults. the ppp should at leat have 20 slides, include referrences and have foot notes.

it should include Maslow, Piaget, Erickson, and refer to feeding, nutrition, elimination, sleep, physical activity, sex/sexuality and gender identity

Developmental management of: GROUP 5- adolescents/young adults.

-Include in your PPT biophysical health management: (Maslow, Piaget, Erickson), feeding, nutrition, elimination, sleep, physical activity, sex/sexuality and gender identity, and dental health.

Follow Facilitators’ Instructions. Include References


Answer preview

  • Adolescence and young adulthood is a stage where children start becoming less dependent on their parents.
  • They experience an increased ability to think maturely and make decisions and plans.
  • It is at this stage that they need a lot of guidance from their parents and clinicians to help them make the right decisions and plans.
  • They should be encouraged to make some of the decisions or plans to encourage them gain the necessary experience and expertise.

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