Critical Thinking Assignment #2. The format will be the same as the first, except you will analyze a different source from pages 36-58 in the Course Reader. You may choose any source you want from those pages. The specific directions are on page five of the syllabus and the Course Reader with the sources can be found in the Announcement section. Let me know if you have any questions.
Your task for the critical thinking skills assignment will be to analyze a primary source from the Course Reader. The essay should be 1 – 2 pages. It should answer the questions, who, what, when and why? It is recommended you use this format:
Introduction: Who? When?
Next 1-2 paragraphs: What? What does the primary source say?
Next 1-2 paragraphs: Contextualize the primary source. Why does the author write what he/she does? What historical events and trends are shaping the author’s perspective? This the challenging part.
So is the course reader that you will be using as your source!!
Answer preview
The main reason why the author writes about his sentiments and values is because of human injustice and treacherous acts of Diocletian. Again, the false accusation of Christian being the public enemy influenced the author’s argument basing on the story of Jesus Christ. The author alleviates himself from the inhumane actions of Diocletian and other Emperors. Burnet (1767, 52), states that “a man, though it was wrong, dared to tear the edict…” It showcases the spiritual and historical beliefs of the author. Furthermore, the historical events and trends that influenced the author’s perception and thoughts are from the Bible. The author recounts the punishments that Roman Emperors used to fight Christianity in the name of serving idols. Jesus Christ’s account of events was the main trend that also affected the author’s perspective. The author believed that God could intervene in the humane injustice of Christianity. In conclusion, the primary source was rationalizing the theism of Christianity over the pagan cults.