psychology research discussion questions

psychology research discussion questions

please answer each questions individually using citation for each answer.

1.Describe and discuss validity and reliability. Identify the threats to experimental validity. How would you go about designing an experimental study that will control for/reduce any potential threats to validity and reliability in your study? Provide at least two reliable references used to justify your responses.

2.A good experimental design serves three purposes, what are those three purposes? Identify a research project that utilizes a quantitative method design. Explain how you would determine the validity and reliability to both the design and the methods of your research.

3. When should you use qualitative methods when conducting counseling research? Provide at least two examples in your response as well as rationale.

4. What is the difference between clinical significance and statistical significance? How might these concepts be applied to program evaluation? Give an example of an instance in which you might be torn between two types of significance in the reported results of research. What are some other types of statistical evaluations that help to sort out the true significance of clinical research findings? Provide at least two scholarly references for your discussion and justifications.



Answer preview

Validity and Reliability

Validity is the consideration of the extent to which the concept defined in the research purpose is measured. Considering a research survey designed to explore depression measuring anxiety as the outcome would not be regarded as valid (Murray et al., 2014). Reliability of the research instrument defines the consistency, Stability and the repeatability of the outcomes. Reliability position is identified only if identical situations with different circumstances give consistent results. Reliability and validity may or may not occur concurrently, and it’s possible to have a research instrument that offers reliable but invalid outcomes…


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