Public Health and the Environment

Public Health and the Environment


BIO201 Public Health and the Environment discussion post (250 words and 2 APA citations)

Please make an initial post of at least 250 words and 2 APA citations on the material listed below.



In Chapters 2-4 of your text, Key Concepts in Public Health, the authors’ goal is to help public health professionals understand how an array of disciplines in biological and social sciences contribute to public health policies, programs, and approaches to building health and well-being in communities and the population as a whole.

Along with this, the success of a community action plan (which is the subject of your final Portfolio Project for this course) hinges not only on strong leadership but also on an interdisciplinary approach to community involvement.

  • Identify at least four strategies that you might use to increase and maintain community involvement in solving a public health issue in your own community. (Think back to the issue you mentioned in the Getting Started Introduction assignment.)
  • State the public health issue and the four strategies you would use.

Tips: In choosing your strategies, you’ll want to consider factors including the composition of your community, the amount of time that would need to be invested in order to implement strategies, and the resources and skills that might already be present in your community. Think about how you would go about recruiting people to support your action plan or how you would obtain needed resources to solve your issue.

Answer preview

There are various public health issues facing different communities today (Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2014). The public health issue in my community is shelter problems for the homeless members of society. This issue has the challenge of creating opportunities for homeless individuals to become productive members of the community. Therefore, ending homelessness in this neighborhood is a public health issue due to the barriers to care, high mental health, and physical health conditions…

(350 words)

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