Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 3
Question Description: Two (2) different coursework 11/2 pages each, apa, reference with 5yrs due on Friday.
1. Describe the common characteristics and design of a case-control study. Discuss the three important features when it comes to selecting cases and controls, and identify a situation when one of these might be violated. Discuss the limitations of using questionnaires for determining exposure status and provide examples of alternative strategies for collecting this information in a case-control study.
Answer previewConducting research studies in healthcare is fundamental since this enables the researchers to understand the risk factors or outcomes in an implemented survey that assesses specified phenomena (Munnangi, & Boktor, 2020). Although there are different research designs, the researchers have to evaluate the most appropriate approach to get good results. By focusing on case-control studies, they are common in health care. These surveys help determine whether a risk factor is linked to an outcome of a condition of interest. In case-control studies, a common characteristic is they involve two groups of participants, mainly the patient cases and the control group. According to Munnangi and Boktor (2020), patient cases are those with underlying health conditions, while the controls are the participants without the condition. The other element is that observations, interviews, or questionnaires are common data collection1011 words