Religion Philosophy

Write a 1,000 word essay that argues for a set of or particular philosophical tenet(s), virtue(s), and/or practical method(s).

You may use specific aspects from the religions.

This is an opportunity to argue for what you think is most important for human flourishing, or even a particular view of what human flourishing ought to be. But be sure to support your position with an argument and be creative.

Answer preview
All religions are based on the principles of love, care for other people, compassion, and spirituality. It does not matter whether a person refers to the Sikhism religion or Islam, the message of love is prevalent throughout all religions. Love is the uniting factor all around the world and the spiritual world. All faiths came from loving and accommodating all people according to the command of love. The care for one another is adoptive even to the real world (Dawes, 2016). The philosophy is also termed as the golden rule that states that all human beings should treat others as they would like to receive treatment themselves…
(1100 words)
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