Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft, and a small company in your local community and compare the issues that they cover. Describe the commonalities and differences of content in

1. Research the codes of conduct of a large company, such as Microsoft, and a small company in your local community and compare the issues that they cover. Describe the commonalities and differences of content in the codes. Discuss why you think there are differences in the content of the codes.

2. Consider the current situation and prevailing political and economic conditions in Brazil, a BRIC country. As a manager who has been considering investment in Rio de Janeiro, how do you assess the political and economic risks at this time?

Your response must be at least 500 words in length for both questions.

No. Its just 2 questions that need answers.


Answer preview

A code of conduct depicts an organization’s core values, daily operations, and overall culture. It clearly explains how an organization’s employees should conduct themselves daily. Different organizations may choose and embrace varying formats and details about their subject code of conduct, but there are general commonalities in different organizations’ code of conduct. Code of conduct applied by large corporations differs from those applied in local small companies due to various factors. Microsoft’s and Copy Center’s code of Conduct have enacted a comprehensive approach to compliance issues. Both companies have a comprehensive,


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