

Topic 4 DQ 1

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:

The U.S. healthcare system is not as effective as I would like it to be. Many people in the U.S. suffer and do not get the medical assistance they needed because of the ineffectiveness of the healthcare system. There are many people who are uninsured so if they need medical assistance then they would have to pay out of pocket. Many times, even people with insurance have to pay out of pocket and it is a lot. So imagine people without insurance needing to pay out of pocket and how much that would be. Many people cannot afford to pay for healthcare out of pocket. That is why people do not seek medical help. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), “Preventive care is underutilized, resulting in higher spending on complex, advanced diseases” (p. 2). People with insurance and without insurance do not get effective treatments to manage their health issues.

People not receiving the care they need for their conditions, being uninsured, and paying large amount of money out of pocket even when you are insured are some of the reasons healthcare reform. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), there are around 46 million people who are uninsured. For the healthcare system to be effective and beneficial to the people then everyone needs to be insured. According to Hester, Stange, Seeff, Davis, Craft (n.d.), “…new structures for integrating and coordinating services, a renewed focus on patient engagement and patient-centered care, and new payment models based on the value of population-based health outcomes rather than the volume of services delivered” are needed for the healthcare reform (p. 3). Getting quality patient care, better health for communities, and no or low cost healthcare system is what we need.


Brennan, N., Cafarella, N., Kocot, S. L., McKethan, A., Morrison, M., Nguyen, N., William II, R. (2009). Improving Quality and Value in the U.S. Health Care System. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from…

Answer preview

I agree with you that the health care system in the U.S does not handle the health issues of the citizens as anyone would like to see it do. This means various concerned stakeholders have a lot to do especially when it comes to the uninsured lot that is required to part with so much to cater for their health issues that they cannot even afford. It is a fact that nothing much has been done to exploit the benefits of preventive care. Even though more funding is required, the continued problems with the health care system are not due to lack of tools but lack of proper utilization of the available tools and resources (Stoltzfus, & Pollack, 2015).

Therefore, in my opinion, a system that has both insured and uninsured…

(250 words)
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