Role of the Federal Reserve Bank

Role of the Federal Reserve Bank

Exploring the Role of the Federal Reserve Bank

The Federal Reserve Bank (the “Fed”) is the central bank of the United States. One of its jobs is to manage the money supply. Sometimes it increases the money supply. Sometimes it decreases the money supply.

Reply to these questions in your post:

  • Name at least one action that the Fed could take to reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.
  • Given our current economy, would you recommend that the Fed reduce the money supply and raise interest rates, or expand the money supply and lower interest rates? Please explain.
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Role of the Federal Reserve Bank

Monetary policy involves influencing the amount of money held by the public and the cost of borrowing by engaging in Open Markets Operations. The Fed can buy or sell securities to financial institutions depending on its target on inflation and interest rates. The Fed could engage in Open Markets Operations through a contractionary action to control the money supply and interest rates (Open Stax, n.d.). That is, the Fed could…

(350 words)
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