Sales Call to Carnivore Meats

Sales Call to Carnivore Meats

question below

Note this work you have done before try and connect on what you have done in earlier assignments

We are A team from comasun collage trying to help kidsport Event to raise their funds to help kids

and we are going to make a sales call targeting Carnivore Meats company

Need the following to talk with the prospect

Opining / Effectiveness of establishing rapport

Discovering needs /


-accurately discerning prospect’s needs

Responding to Objections /

-demonstrates preparation and knowledge of both prospect and client; FAB approach

please note:

We are trying to get Donation form Carnivour Meat


Answer Preview

As for the opening, it is important to talk in a friendly tone. This is something that can be made through greetings as well as using kind words. This is important as it helps the receiver of the call to be able to be in a friendly mood. It also helps them to be able to increase their attention for the caller and want to know who they are and what they want (McLeish, 2011)…

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