Social Groups and Deviance

Social Groups and Deviance

Choose one of the following questions:

1. Using what you have learned about groups, organizations, and bureaucracies this week, compare and contrast two different groups or organizations of which you are a member. Describe the two groups. How do they differ in terms of leadership, membership, purpose, and activities? What is your role in the group? Provide examples in your discussion.

2. Do you agree with Emile Durkheim that deviance is functional and is a necessary part of society? What functions might deviance provide? In your answer be sure to describe Durkheim’s main thesis regarding the function of deviance. Think of a time when you used informal negative sanctions. To what act of deviance were you responding? How did your reaction help maintain social control?

Meet the following objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Identify and describe bureaucracies and formal organizations.
  • Describe deviance and social control from a sociological perspective.
  • 250+ words

Answer preview

I am a member of two social groups, one a religious group and the other one a political group. The two groups are different in terms of direction, membership, purpose, and activities that they carry out. On leadership, both groups have leaders who are in charge. The leader in both groups for example spearheads the visions, mission, commitment and the goal of the group (Cruz, 2014). They guide the functions of the group and ensured that the behaviors the members correlated with those of the society.

The membership of the two groups, however, did differ in that in one group the members were religious, and the other one was purely politicians. The religious group for one to become members have to demonstrate that they were following the doctrines of the religion. And for the political group, one has to understand…


(350 WORDS)

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