Note: Find the attached summary of the book and look for more materials online regarding the readings

Take home assignment: Book Discussion

Socialnomics – How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live & Do Business

book needed: socialnomics: how social media transforms the way we live and do business by Erik Qualman 2nd edition.

The 2 take-home assignments – parts 1 & 2 – contribute 20 points or 20% of your grade. I’d like you to read chapters 1-10 of Erik Qualman’s Socialnomics. (You will do a similar exercise for the remaining 10 chapters as the second take home assignment later in the semester). I’m looking for a write-up of 4 pages (10 point font, double spaced) with your responses to the following queries.

  1. Describe 3 ways in which social media platforms drive social commerce or e-commerce?
  2. In chapter 1, the author states that we no longer look for news, rather the news finds us. Please share an instance when pertinent information “found you”. How might this have occurred or in other words how did the information target and reach you?
  3. Have you shared either negative or positive feedback on a product or service on a social platform? Which one and what followed? Further, did the product/service offer an opportunity to offer this feedback through a customer oriented social platform? If so, how did the company respond to your feedback?
  4. Describe 2 ways in which social media has changed the ways in which you communicate or interact with your friends and family? Do you consider these changes to be positive or negative and why?
  5. There are some people who say that Facebook has made them spend hours and hours of their lives, which they will never get back. Others insist that Facebook has been a time saver. Please write an example of how FB has been both a time killer as well as a time saver for you?
  6. What does the book mean by “social graph”?
  7. Do you have a LinkedIn Profile? If yes, how have you used LinkedIn to expand and cultivate your professional network? In what way are you using LinkedIn to market and position yourself? What tools does LinkedIn provide that would enhance your ability to look for a job once you graduate? For those of you who don’t have a LinkedIn profile, please create one and indicate what your plans would be to expand and cultivate your network, position yourself and use LinkedIn tools to land a job.
  8. Chapter 9 is titled “Social Media Rolodex & Resources”. In order to become more intimately aware of these resources, pick 2 that are of interest to you. Conduct an Internet search on these digital thought leaders as well as the websites/brands that they’ve launched. Write a paragraph describing your findings and why you think the 2 resources would be of high interest to your classmates?
  9. On page 207 are listed some “eye-opening statistics” related to social media use. Which 2 of these statistics came as the biggest surprises to you?


Requirements for the assignment: In addition to handing in the assignment on time, what I’m most interested in is a demonstration through your responses that you have thoroughly read and digested the information in the first half of the book under discussion. There are no wrong answers but your responses should be to the point, grammatically correct & spell checked. As always, should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Social media refers to websites or applications or web links that allow the sharing of information between different users by creating a social platform. Famous social media sites include Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Snapchat.  The development of technology including the creation and evolution…
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