Sociological perspective


What do you believe the federal minimum wage should be? Be sure to take a sociological perspective and reference the concept of living wage while crafting a 3-page argument. Please look at the rubric. I uploaded it to the question
its actually a 3 page paper

Nope its just actually 3 pages and the rubric is attached. Just please make sure to follow the rubric and the instructions

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On the one hand, supporters of the concept emphasize the importance of having employers offer employees a living wage. Their arguments mostly revolve around the assumption that paying workers’ salaries that allow them to have a decent standard of living benefits both parties (Parker et al., 2016). Receiving this wage will be not only an external reward to employees but also an internal reward. Intrinsic rewards tend to motivate employees and keep them engaged with the duties they undertake. As such, their productivity and performance levels will increase, resulting in a direct increase in the profitability of the companies they work for. On the other hand, the critics of using this wage argue that it will create a wage floor, which adversely affects a country’s economy (Parker et al., 2016). Since paying all employees a living wage will eat into a company’s profits, most of them will have to downsize. When this happens, unemployment rates go up, leaving most people who would otherwise have had income, even though it might not have been enough, with no viable source of income.

[1026 Words]

B599.Sociological Perspective of the Federal Minimum Wage

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