Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics and Measures of Association
The assignment must be at least 2 pages and include:
Page 1:
1. a description of the descriptive statistics that might work well for the Evaluation Design in your Final Project (see attached final project).
2. Explain how these statistics could be used, and justify why they are appropriate.
Page 2:
Review the course text, paying particular attention to the selection and use of inferential statistics and measures of association. Review the four criteria for selecting the best measure, keeping in mind the purpose for which you might use measures of association. Finally, think about which inferential statistics and measures of association you might use in your Final Evaluation Design (Final Project) to answer your research question. Use the four criteria to help you make a selection.
1. Write a description of the inferential statistics and measures of association that would be most appropriate for your evaluation and answer your research question.
2. Explain how you would use them, and justify why these statistics and measures are most appropriate for your Final Evaluation Design (Final Project).
Resources for Page 1:
- Johnson, G. (2014). Research methods for public administrators (3rd ed.). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
- Chapter 12, “Data Analysis for Description” (pp. 171–185)
- Taber, D. R., Chriqui, J. F., Powell, L., & Chaloupka, F. J. (2013). Association between state laws governing school meal nutrition content and student weight status: Implications for new USDA school meal standards. JAMA Pediatrics, 167(6), 513–519.
Reprinted by permission of American Medical Association via the Copyright Clearance Center. - Carnochan, S., Samples, M., Myers, M., & Austin, M. J. (2013). Performance measurement challenges in nonprofit human service organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
- Hill, J. (n.d.). Introduction to descriptive statistics. University of Illinois, Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Retrieved June 7, 2014, from
- Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Central tendency and variability [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
“Central tendency and variability” Transcript (PDF)
Resources for Page 2:
Johnson, G. (2014). Research methods for public administrators (3rd ed.). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
- Chapter 14, “Data Analysis: Exploring Relationships” (pp. 198–215)
- Chapter 16, “Data Analysis Using Inferential Statistics” (pp. 230–243)
Trochim, W. M. K. (2006, October 20). Inferential statistics. Retrieved from http://www.
Note: Read the first six paragraphs only.
Answer preview
A description of the descriptive statistics that might work well for the Evaluation Design in your Final Project
Descriptive statistics is commonly used in describing the features of the data collected. There are various types of descriptive statistics that are commonly used in data analysis, which include a measure of central tendency, a measure of dispersion, measures of position, and measures of frequency (Johnson, 2014). However, in this case, the measures of frequency might work well for the evaluation of the…
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