Strategic Management SWOT Analysis

Strategic Management
SWOT Analysis

Please type up answers in MS Word, font 12, double-spaced. The assignment must be at least two pages in length. To assist in your completion of this assignment, be sure to read the lecture , titled “Internal and External Environmental Analysis”.


Pick and research an international/global organization. Complete a SWOT analysis on that organization using the outline below as your guide. DO NOT submit an outline as your completed assignment, please type up each section in paragraph form.


  1. State the name of that firm and give a brief description of that firm
  2. Complete a SWOT Analysis
  3. List and discuss at least two internal strengths of the organization
  4.          Discuss whether or not each strength can be considered a distinctive competence for the organization
  5. List and discuss at least two internal weaknesses of the organization
  6. List and discuss at least two external opportunities for the organization stemming from the segments of the general environment
  7.          For each opportunity you must state which segment the opportunity is stemming from (economic, demographic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, global, or physical)
  8. List and discuss at least two external threats for the organization stemming from the segments of the general environment
  9.          For each threat you must state which segment the threat is stemming from (economic, demographic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, global, or physical)
  10. Recommendations
  11. Discuss the steps/action you, as CEO, would take to
  12.          strengthen the weaknesses
  13.         capitalize on the opportunities

                                                            iii.       minimize the threats

Please use at least three outside resources to complete this assignment.


Answer Preview

Starbucks Corporation operates the largest chain of coffeehouse by owning over 20,000 branches worldwide. The company is involved in purchasing, roasting and selling of the best quality whole bean coffees. The company operates retail stores  where it sell fresh and rich brewed…

(851 Words)

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