Summarize and comment current events

Summarize and comment current events

These are two separate question, each question need about 350 words.

1.find a current event related to ethics in the workplace. Summarize and comment the article (it may be an ethical or unethical aspect of work) and provide an active link.

A current event example of ethical/unethical workplace practices can be argued in Donald and Ivanka Trump’s proposed maternity leave poliicy which only applies to pregnant mothers. 

2.find a current event related to global media technology. What is going on around the world in terms of media technology? How does the U.S. stack up with foreign innovation and policy? Post a summary and comments of the article along with an active link.

current event example:……

Do not use the article I provided, please use others current events .

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This is an article that is found on the site USA TODAY which is a major source of information, the American division of the Swedish furniture retailer IKEA will now be able to offer up to four months leave to employees that are well coming new children into their lives. This is something that was in the past not very common among the company employees as paid…
(758 Words)
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