Team Conflicts

write a 300-400 words essay with no plagiarism and include references

Part 1:Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict? What interventions can be used to improve the quality of conflict a team?

Evaluate yourself using the three indices of creativity. What strategies can you use to enhance your creativity.


Answer preview

One of the conflicts I have experienced in a team is power issues reflected by multiple lines of control in the team. Through there was the defined line of authority, several team members diverted loyalty. Various instructions were issued to members reducing team performance. The sources of the conflicts were personal interests to have control over the team agendas by some members. The team leadership had also created power loopholes when the team was first established by failing to exercise full control and defining the direction for the team…



( 300 Words)

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