Technological advancement

Respond to the following:

undefinedYou have recently been hired as the HR manager of a small furniture manufacturing company that has 63 employees. These employees include everyone from line workers to upper management. You are the first HR person the company has had. One of your first assignments was to evaluate the fairness of the company’s current compensation system.

undefinedBased on your evaluation, you have discovered a number of inconsistencies:


  • Some line workers earn more than managers.
  • Some managers earn twice as much as other managers even though the work is similar.
  • Some line workers are making significantly more money than others even though they are performing the same work.

undefinedWhat recommendations would you make to improve the consistency of the company’s compensation system?


  • Be sure to provide the rationale for your recommendations.

Requirements: two to three paragraphs

Answer preview

The constant cycle of innovations coming out every often improves organizations’ capacity to formulate their own technologies that respond to the specific needs of their audiences. For instance, a particular organization might have unique processes or even deal with content not provided in the mainstream channels. Therefore, learners benefit whenever the organization uses ideas from the mainstream to create tailor-made technological solutions to match the specific challenges that the learners encounter. There is a direct link between organizational performance on the technological frontier and the extent to which people can benefit from their services conveniently. Such improvements ensure that the organization can enhance learners’ competence and this aspect feeds into the attainment of its broader targets.

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Technological advancement
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