Consider a community need you would like to address. Create a program to address the need. Develop a logic model and 1-year budget for your program. Be sure to cite sources for your budget – the numbers included should be supported by resources.
In the second decade of the 21st century, there has been an increased effort from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to prevent peer pregnancy through the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) initiative launched in 2010. This comprehensive effort in the US has established an impact on sexual risk behaviors. The structural efforts that support different programs in various jurisdictions, including Arkansas, have a critical and positive impact on the program’s effectiveness. The initiative includes awarding $400000 to 4 million grants for programs evidence-based models. The initiative also includes $400,000 and $1 million per year grant each year to research efforts for developing alternative models for addressing teen pregnancies. These comprehensive efforts positively impact the inputs, output, and overall outcomes (Youth.Gov, n.d.).