The 2010 US Healthcare Reforms Effects

The 2010 US Healthcare Reforms Effects


How does the 2010 healthcare reforms affect individuals, businesses, public programs such as Medicaid?

  • In brief summary, how does the 2010 healthcare reforms affect individuals, businesses, public programs such as Medicaid?
  • What is the projected cost of these changes?
  • What arguments did the supporters of these laws use to gain passage?
  • What arguments did those who opposed the passage use?
  • What interests (individual, corporate, partisan) seem to be at work on each side?
  • Using a Christian ethic, what arguments can be made in support of these laws? Identify a biblical source which supports your arguments.
  • Using a Christian ethic, what arguments can be made against these laws? Identify a biblical source which supports your arguments.
  • APA format
  • 12 font
  • double space

I would like to use this reform. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Answer preview

The Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted into law in the year 2010. This healthcare reform was formed to expand access to health insurance by citizens. The impact brought to individuals, businesses, and public programs were both positive and negative. According to Kominski et al. (2016), more than 20 million uninsured citizens received access to affordable and quality healthcare. Public programs such as Medicaid was the sole controller of the ACA program in the healthcare sector. Healthcare businesses were affected since ACA introduced much…

(750 words)

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