answer problem 5.9 from the attached textbook

I need to answer problem (5.9) from chapters (3 and 4) of the attached textbook.

The answer has to be from the book AND NOT just copy and paste.

Professor instructions: PLEASE use the spellcheck and grammar check before submitting the work – good engineering requires good writing skills

The problem is:

5.9 Research the building of the tunnel under the English Channel in the late twentieth century.

(a) What risks were present with this project?

(b) What successful activities were undertaken to mitigate these risks that led to the tunnel ’ s completion?

the problem is from Chapter 5

here ATTACHED is an old answer which might help you to get the right path.

Answer preview

The English Channel was created to link Britain to France in the late 20th century. Despite early challenges, the tunnel has been completed and is now among the greatest architectural and engineering masterpiece which is also a wonder of the world. Though it a fact the project was plagued by a myriad of risks which delayed its construction.  One of the factors being inadequate resources such as gas, insufficient financial resources to finance the project, safety risks and communication setbacks between…

(500 words)

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