Health & Medical Question
- Write a 4-6 page evidence-based patient-centered care report on the patient scenario presented in the Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application media piece.
Requirements: 5PAGES
Answer preview
Traumatic Head Injury (TBI) is a condition resulting from sudden and violent hitting of the head and causes a disruption to the normal operations and functioning of the brain. TBI can also be caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head and piercing the skull using a sharp object. The common clinical signs for TBI include a decrease or loss of consciousness, loss of memory, focal neurological deficits, slow thinking, disorientation, and difficulty concentrating (Alashram, Annino, Raju, & Padua, 2020). These symptoms and signs can be severe, moderate, or mild according to the extent the brain was damaged and for how long. Severe cases of brain damage can lead to coma, long periods of unconsciousness of death, while mild and moderate cases of brain damage can lead to a brief unconsciousness or change in mental state.
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