Who’s the Boss?: Millennials Managing Across Generations in the Hospitality Industry

Who’s the Boss?: Millennials Managing Across Generations in the Hospitality Industry

Each case study analysis must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Submitted as a Word document
  • Approx. 800-1000 words, (2 pages max), 1.5 spacing, 1” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font.
  • Grammar and professionalism are required including full sentences
  • APA style referencing
  • Include sections for problem statement, Alternatives, and Solution
  • SWOT analysis can be used but not necessary
  • All information you are to make decisions on must be in the case study. While you are able to bring knowledge such as different tactics and calculations you are not to bring in other “real world” solutions, unless instructed to.

E.g. if you are given a real world company and asked which direction they should take, the direction should be based off information only given in the case and not what the company did in the real world.

TaskToolWeightingDue Date
Picture and biography posted to CanvasRubric A10%08-29-22
Participation in class discussion boardRubric B20%Continuous
Analysis on Case Studies 5% x 6Rubric C30%09-12-22






Individual Assignment: How have international food and beverage trends influenced a recovering competitive industry Rubric D40%11-28-22

Requirements: Approx. 800-1000 words, (2 pages max), 1.5 spacing, 1” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font.   |   .doc file


Answer  preview

One of the hallmarks of the contemporary workplace is the presence of employees from different generations (Rajput et al., 2019). Managing a multigenerational workforce can present a problem for organizational leaders, especially when wrong managerial approaches are used (Rajput et al., 2019). Gladys encountered similar problems when managing her Gen Y peers, Jorge and Esmeralda. After graduating, Gladys secured a position in a hotel-manager training program for a hospitality firm (Mejia & Lavendol, 2015). She was a diligent employee, and her leadership potential prompted a promotion to the permanent manager of the food and beverage

1196  Words

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