I am looking for someone who can write 10-15 minutes of speech on the subject “Women in Technology (STEM)” . I want speech to be about how people underestimate women in STEM fields and how does one can inspire/encourage todays young girls to be part of todays technology and to pursue their dreams/studies in STEM fields.
Research on how to write a speech so that you can be able to write a good speech
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The most vital gender disparity exists in computer science, mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering. The challenge stems from a traditional perspective of the woman role. The conservative mindset is that women should stay at home and take care of the family. The social pressure has always expected the girls to assume communal activities while boys go for active and competitive activities. Humanity has treated girls differently, but regrettably, they have also mistreated themselves. Many women think that STEM courses, as well as jobs, are hostile and masculine. We believe we are not brilliant and do not deserve the status that comes with STEM careers. The stereotypical threat has implanted a perception that women are not good at sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Girls’ awareness of the overtly and subtle cultural message of the male dominance in mathematics triggers fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. We see some of these perceptions even in our schools, where teachers inadvertently propagate negative perceptions by grading boys higher than girls.