World health organization

Follow the directions below for the completion of the Research Proposal assignment for Unit III. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.
 Purpose: The purpose of the research proposal is to help you to understand your project, to gain direction and feedback on your project, and to establish a blueprint for your project.
 Description: In this assignment, you will create a research proposal consisting of three sections:
 Section 1: What is the topic? (100-150 words)
 Section 2: What is the controversy? Include paragraphs that detail both sides of the controversy. (300-400 words)
 Section 3: Your tentative thesis statement (one to two sentences)
 Research proposal example- Attached
All sources must be documented via APA citations and references. You may also seek out the guidance of the Success Center; the specialists are always there to assist you with your writing and comprehension.

Questions to answer:
Whether or not a COVID-19 mandate would be effective? Will it generate a backlash that worsens the pandemic? **Can we end the pandemic without a vaccine mandate?

Answer preview

good, especially for people who deal with daycares or older people, to be vaccinated to reduce the chances of those infants and elders from getting exposed to other diseases as their immune system is low (Savulescu et al., 2021). Also, it is good for a company to enforce all the workers to be vaccinated as people come from different backgrounds. If one of your employees gets infected with Covid-19, they will be putting all other employees at health risk. Also, being in an environment where some people have been vaccinated and, others have not been vaccinated will only bring controversy of whether to separate them or work with them as a team.

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